January 11, 2011

Calling All Newbees!

Hey Beekeepers!

It's that time of year again when beekeepers start making preparations for the new season. It's actually a pretty hard thing to consider especially since we just got a dump of snow here in Edmonton and apparently there's more on the way.

I was trying to scheme with Patty and Eliese about setting up a Urban beekeeping course this spring, but both are fairly busy and I'm not really sure if there's time to effectively set one up. I know Eliese's courses in Calgary have been selling out like hotcakes, but she has the added advantage of beekeeping being legal within the city down there. I'm not entirely sure how many people I could round up for a course in Edmonton.

That said, I've been speaking with Jane regarding her acreage within the city and she's still excited and willing to allow some hives out there. I've emailed all my old classmates from Patty's class last year to see if people are interested in getting starting this. I've received a few responses which is great! I will also be holding a woodworking shop with Patty to build some Top Bar Hives for these new beekeepers.

If you live in the Edmonton, or surrounding area, and would be interested in getting started into beekeeping let me know! If you don't have understanding neighbours or just don't want to risk it, there is plenty of room on Jane's land. Just shoot me an email at newbeestelus.net and I'll get back to you with any information you might need!

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