So I got home today and found my Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development package had arrived in the mail. As per the Alberta Bee Act, all bees must be registered annually with the provincial apiculturist. Also, if you own bee equipment you must register even if you don't have bees.
After I purchased my hives I sent an email to Medhat, the provincial apiculturist, to get registered. He mailed me out the package right away. From what I understand, the purpose of this registration is for the monitoring/control of diseases. Hence all the disease information that also came with the form, as seen on the right side of the picture. After a quick perusal the registration form consists of contact info, number of bees & bee yards, the location of your honey extraction, and the location of your hives. There is also a small box regarding wintering and surviving colonies for stat gathering purposes.
The possible fine for not registering bees, according to the Alberta Bee Act, is up to $2500. While I am not vain enough to think I am the only urban beekeeper within Edmonton, I am still somewhat nervous about listing my hive location within the city limits of Edmonton. However, ignoring any sort of legal breach of confidentiality issues, if for some reason this information was passed onto the City of Edmonton I am sure their bylaw fine would be less then that for not registering them in the first place.
For more information on registering bees within Alberta you can hit up this link. http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/general/progserv.nsf/all/pgmsrv107
Check back soon as tomorrow is the big day. I will be heading out to get my bees. My brave wife will be joining me to take some great pictures.
Thanks for the info. I don't know what pre drill pilings are. Of course, I don't know most of the newfangled fancy contraptions nowadays.