First glance was promising as we walked up to the hive carrying our gear. The entrance reducer was showing lots of activity, and many foragers were coming and going. I geared up and lit up the smoker, I first removed the entrance reducer with little issues, the bees seemed very calm. Then I pried of the lid with less problems then my first inspection. Lots of bees and lots of drawn comb was the initial picture. The very outer frames hadn't been touched yet, but both 2 & 8 were getting drawn out. However, the bees had expanding on that weird formation that I had noticed on my first inspection. I really should have scrapped it off, but I think I'll do that next trip out. A quick look at the brood frames showed no issues with the queen as all stages of larva were seen.
The increased strength meant it was time to put my second super on. I decided to primarily use the new foundationless frames I made up. I placed a frame of brood into the new box and surrounded it by 2 of the black man lake frames. After those I put in 6 foundationless. I then put 1 foundationless down into the original box to replace the brood frame that came out. I also changed out some of the white mann lake foundation in the original box to with black to see if the bees would draw on that better. We'll see how they do in a few weeks. Here are some pictures of the inspection.

Things look good at first glance.

Moving frames around into the new super.

Double Decker hive!
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